The day draws near for my soon to be exit from Camden Town.
Even though I will soon be posting from Thailand, on my return I will be packing up and moving further up into North London as I climb the first rung of the property ladder.
I’ll be leaving behind a place very close to my heart having loved living in Camden Town so long. For each new post I’ll be changing my header for Camden Town imagery and will also be posting odes to my town and stories about my time here.
The picture above is the painted exterior of a skateboard shop on the end of my road, on the opposite side is as a nail bar which isn’t painted with candy skulls so this view is much nicer.
On the top left there are people loitering, that’s because it’s a bus stop. I once saw a bus hit a pigeon here, it flailed in a robotic fashion, crooked necked and broken winged, as it took it’s last breath.
Filed under: Londonsurvival Tagged: Camden Town, Life, Random Image may be NSFW.
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